The Benefits of Plank Workouts for Core Strength

Plank workouts have gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. This seemingly simple exercise offers a plethora of benefits that extend beyond just strengthening the core. At Strong Healthy Dad, we emphasize the importance of holistic fitness, and planks are a testament to how a single exercise can impact various facets of one's health.

The Science of Planking

Planking is an isometric exercise, meaning it involves holding a position without movement. When performed correctly, the plank engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making it an efficient full-body workout.

Core Engagement and Beyond

While planks are renowned for their core-strengthening capabilities, they also engage other crucial muscle groups:

  • Back: Provides support and stability.
  • Shoulders: Enhances strength and endurance.
  • Neck: Promotes proper posture and alignment.
  • Chest: Aids in upper body strength.

Key Benefits of Plank Workouts

1. Promotes a Healthy Posture

Regular plank workouts can help in maintaining an upright posture, reducing the strain on the spine and preventing back-related issues.

2. Enhances Balance and Coordination

Planks require a harmonious effort from both the upper and lower body, thereby improving overall coordination and balance.

3. Boosts Metabolism

Being a compound exercise, planks can elevate the metabolic rate, aiding in calorie burn even post-workout.

4. Improves Flexibility

Contrary to popular belief, planks can enhance flexibility by expanding and stretching the muscles around the shoulders, collarbone, and shoulder blades.

5. Augments Mental Health

The discipline and focus required to hold a plank can have positive implications on mental health, offering a sense of accomplishment and boosting confidence.

6. Builds Core Strength

At its core (pun intended), the plank is a powerhouse for strengthening the abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back.

7. Helps Avoid Illness

By promoting better posture and reducing the risk of back issues, planks can indirectly contribute to overall well-being and illness prevention.

Incorporating Planks into Your Routine

To reap the maximum benefits, it's essential to perform the plank correctly:

  1. Start by lying flat on the ground.
  2. Place your elbows and legs flat, similar to the push-up position.
  3. Push your body upward, keeping your chin tight to your neck.
  4. Ensure your body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  5. Hold the position as long as possible, focusing on deep breaths.


Plank workouts are a testament to the adage, "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." A simple, no-equipment exercise offers a myriad of benefits that can transform one's fitness journey. At Strong Healthy Dad, we advocate for exercises that offer holistic benefits, and planks undoubtedly top that list.


  1. ICICI Lombard - Top Benefits of Doing The Plank Exercise Every Day
  2. Cleveland Clinic - Plank Exercises: What They Do For Your Body
  3. Healthline - Plank Exercise Benefits: Why You Should Work Your Core
  4. Real Simple - 7 Unexpected Benefits of Plank Exercises