Technique Tips To Improve Your Squat Clean

The squat clean needs faster elbow and hip turnover, as well as excellent footwork, agility, and quickness.


Squat cleans are a must-do for every athlete or Crossfitter. Last year's Games saw Josh Bridges, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet, and Annie Thorisdottir participate in the squat clean ladder, demonstrating just how significant this exercise is!

One event consisted of 30 lifts with progressively greater weights, demonstrating the significance of this single exercise in athletics.

The fact that a whole championship is devoted to it demonstrates how important core strength is in any physical effort! When executed correctly, improved synchronisation between your lower body with motions like squats can make you much more nimble on or off the field, while progressively increasing weight over time promotes long term movement patterns for greater player success.

The method required here comprises isolating muscles such as glutes and abs; keep in mind that we should not only concentrate our attention inward, but also outward by engaging other muscle groups surrounding them.

Core strength is essential for living a healthy and happy life. It is necessary for body stabilisation, posture improvement, and spine protection; with these three characteristics, we can move better, which helps prevent injury!

The core muscles also help us generate force or power as well as control it when necessary- if you don't have strong abs, your athletic performance will suffer greatly because you won't be able to distribute weight evenly across all parts of both feet at the same time during an activity like running stairs, for example.

Make use of your entire potential for other workouts

Because they target multiple muscles at the same time, squats and cleans are two of the most helpful workouts for your training programme. A squat clean demands you to bend from chest height while simultaneously extending at hip- or shoulder level; this opens up many more joints than just those engaged in running actions like lunges. Furthermore, these workouts improve balance, which will keep us safer when practising other sports activities like wall balls!

The squat clean is an excellent workout for developing strength and coordination. It can help you build the strength required to do overhead squats as well as enhance your weightlifting methods, particularly with cleans and jerks!

increased mobility

Because it incorporates so many various joints and muscles, the squat clean is a tough exercise to master. As a result, working on your hips, ankles (especially foot mobility), shoulders, and arms can help you to move more effectively when lifting higher weights in other areas, such as back rows!

A strong squat serves as a basis for many other workouts.

Squats are an excellent way to begin or end your day. Squatting has been proven time and again to be the most effective exercise there is - doing just one set can yield hours of benefits such as weight loss (due in part to burning more calories than any other form), increased fitness level, which helps improve performance in all aspects of life; improved posture when sitting at work desks, and so on.


As with any weightlifting, begin by moving the bar as swiftly and forcefully as possible while maintaining an elegant form. If you have a lot of power but not enough technique or control, adding more weight won't help! It is preferable to try using good movement patterns from day one rather than sacrificing performance simply because they are doing heavy lifts in training - this does not mean going super light on normal sets; most people will be able to lift heavier soon after getting stronger, so don't worry about being too tired when lifting some extra weights later down the line.

The lift’s stages

The initial pull of a deadlift is often performed while standing erect with your hands on your hips. The transition entails bending at the knees and dropping down so that weight can be moved off balance shoulders before being shifted to opposite sides for recovery by returning up into standing again, then repeating this motion until reaching desired target height or amount lifted depending on whether it is intended to be used as an AMRAP set (as many reps) vs RMR (rate Of Muscle Recompression).


Shoes should be shoulder width apart. Back straight Hips lower than shoulders Thighs that are nearly parallel to the ground (dependent on anatomy) In front of the bar, place your shoulders. Straightened elbows The bar is just on top of my toes. Using a hook grip, hold slightly broader than where the knees will be positioned so that they make contact with the arms. During a lift, never allow your legs to track towards each other or outwards.

This raises the bar a bit higher on your hips during the initial draw, giving you more leverage for the clean. The second PHASE entails moving from the ground to above the knee (mid-thigh). Push your knees back, maintain your back straight, and keep your shoulders in front of the bar. Keep your arms at shoulder height at the end, and gently bend towards the goal.

Your body is in the "power pose" as you blast skyward. Some folks like to row slightly and then execute a hip clean with bent elbows during this phase. It's entirely up to you whether to maintain your arms straight or slightly bent; it's all up to you! 4.) CATCH — Extend outwards as if attempting to catch something that falls towards yourself—shrug shoulders downward off of barbell (towards thighs), then descend back into squatting stance, repeating the entire movement cycle.

TIP: Should you leap or not?

The squat clean is a simple powerlifting movement that everyone can do. However, as you gain experience with the lift and learn how to improve your speed under barbell safely while remaining injury-free, you may not need to go so high on every single rep when first starting out because it would simply take too long during each set of three or four reps for one set of this exercise per workout session depending on intensity levels desired at different stages.

The Deadlift shrug phase is beneficial for high repetition exercises and will make you a more productive athlete. Drop below the bar quickly by employing momentum and tension in your lower back muscles, shrugging up before dragging yourself under so that you have less exposure when reversing direction to lift again.

I've frequently found myself struggling against heavy weights due to not only muscular fatigue but also poor form; this could be because most people focus their energy during upward motion rather than downward motion - creating an imbalance between upper body efforts vs core stability work required if done correctly! What is my solution? Make full use of both phases.

Assisting and supporting equipment for the movement

The Deadlift is an excellent workout for people who want to put their muscles under a lot of strain. The shrug phase of the lift, where you drop below the bar and use momentum as well as tension from your lower back muscles while shrugging up before pulling yourself under so that there's less exposure when reversing direction in order to allow another repetition or two, has been very helpful during my workouts due not only to muscular fatigue but also to poor form; this could be because most people tend to focus energy upward rather than downward motion, creating an imbalance.

Knee sleeves are extremely beneficial while completing the squat clean and lifting in general. Because of its thick 7mm material construction, they will give support to your knees while keeping them warm throughout training sessions and providing more receptive input from knee movement! The benefit of utilising these knee sleeve is that they provide tremendous stabiliser all year round- so don't wait any longer if you need some protection on those tough lifts now.

Weightlifters searching for more support during a lift have traditionally utilised the 7mm thickness. However, it is now widespread in gyms throughout North America and abroad, since CrossFit competitors rely on this size as well!

Shoulder, elbow, and hand mobility, as well as hand positioning

It might be tough and time-consuming to learn how to use your hands appropriately. However, an open hand will suffice for the time being as long as it is positioned so that the middle finger is on top of both index fingers and the pinkies are folded underneath them at all times when gripping onto barbells or kettle bells in order to maintain stable positioning during lifts such as squats, cleans, and jerks.

Why not have a look around if you're new here? We have a variety of weightlifting articles tailored for athletes who want more than simply muscles - they want size as well!

Rotating elbows around the bar and the bar route

The bar path should ascend in a vertical line. Bring your elbows up and back, then spin the elbow around your body until it is hooked by the collarbone height on you - snug but not too tight that it comes off! There is no curl with this method, which may present some instability issues for novices or those who just can't lift high weights since their muscles aren't yet trained to sustain such weight; nevertheless, with practise, I assure you'll be able to attain any objective set forth before.

Getting a good grip on the bar at the proper time (timing it correctly)

Try not to get hit with a falling barbell during the Catch-rise exercise. You want your timing to be such that it catches on top and you can harness all of its momentum to begin climbing again! It also helps if, when this happens, there isn't much more than an inch between where we are and what our last position would be before hitting ground level—then at least some of it will bounce off us instead of attempting a straight downward collision.

The next item I perform when doing catch rises (or catching my fall) has been identified by numerous fitness specialists across the world as a useful approach to enhance both balance abilities and core strength - specifically, balancing atop a chair.

The catch should be as smooth as possible

During the catch and when rising up in a squat, keep the front rack posture erect. Poor ankle mobility may have caused your torso to collapse forwards or tip to one side when ascending with high elbows; however, if these symptoms persist, speak with a coach before making any self-diagnoses as he/she may assist diagnose what needs work on more specifically for you! Keep the bars securely resting on the shoulder blades until they come down off the shelf, at which time we only allow them to move back so far.

Obtain a proper rack position

It will be much simpler to manage your ascent and finish repetitions if you grab the bar in a firm rack posture.

When it comes to meeting with the bar, be sure the timing is correct.

It might be tough to catch the bounce of a hefty squat clean. It takes time, experience, and patience to meet the bar just below parallel so you don't get trapped there while rising up off your back for solid balance before bursting into an overhead toss or anything else, such as deadlifts! The workouts listed below can also help you maintain your technique sharp:

Hang Cleans (more weight as needed); ring rows; tucked-arm pullups or handstand pushups (depending on skill level).

When performing a semi-power clean, you squat all the way down and then catch your body in midair before returning to standing. This can be done with weights, but it's frequently seen as an exercise for athletes trying to improve their stability or flexibility because it doesn't demand a lot of force.

The key features of this move include catching yourself halfway through a full Squatting motion while simultaneously bringing one leg back towards their chest, creating enough momentum between both lower limbs so that upon return from flight mode (i.e. landing), there will always be some forwards drive force during impact. POI

Path of the Vertical Bar

Make sure the bar route does not twist or turn too much to one side to ensure it follows a vertical line. This can exercise taxing on your back and neck, and it can even result in damage if done incorrectly with high weights!

You would think that completing an overhead squat is simple, but there's more to it than just setting oneself correctly (which we'll cover shortly). Before beginning this lift, do the following easy steps: Keep your shoulders square; don't lean forwards - instead, stand tall; and place your feet further apart so they lead out somewhat from beneath you when standing up straight.

Commit to the lift

It's time to put your strength to the test with an enormous deadlift. You only have one shot at this, so make the most of it! Use a strong hip drive and extension, then slide quickly underneath the bar with your elbows up.

There are several techniques to assist me improve my form on lifts like this; I employ classic military style squats when training alone or doing cleans if there is insufficient room for full range of motion overhead workouts like rows or inverted rows (you could also try using bands). It may take some time, but once mastered, they provide us with greater flexibility than our typical gym routine would otherwise allow because we are able to

Now is the time to realise your greatest potential.

It's time to put your deadlift skills to the test. You only have one shot, so go all out! When there isn't enough room for full extension overhead exercises like rows and inverted rows, employ a hard hip drive and extend under bar with elbows up, or perform military style squats (you could also try bands). It may take some effort, but once mastered, these provide us with greater flexibility than our typical gym routines would otherwise provide.