2 Dumbbell Clean And Press – The Best Exercise For Bodybuilding

The first question that muscle heads ask one another is, "What workout would you do if you could only do it for the rest of your life?" The response should either incorporate eggs or not, because if someone claims they don't like them, chances are their diet is deficient in some nutrients.

I'm stumped as to which exercise to do next. The vast majority of lifters will answer squat, but some maniacs like myself may choose deadlifting or bench pressing to seem like an underwear model; yet, if forced to choose, I would naturally prefer two-dumbbell clean and presses because it demands just as much work while increasing weight!

The dumbbell clean and press is a front-runner for the finest workout ever because it requires your body to operate in synchronisation, allowing you to train both sides of yourself better than with a single barbell. Range of motion offers an advantage over regular bars, which implies better overall results! It was also popular among serious lifters years ago, but you don't see many people performing it in gyms nowadays.

The heavy dumbbell clean and press is an excellent approach to test your fitness. Nine times out of ten, things are going smoothly for you because of two factors: fundamental muscles that aid in leverage and momentum when performing an activity, as well as the weight itself, which may range from 25 pounds to triple digits! So, if this appears like something you'd be interested in, allow yourself one or two sets before going on to another sort of workout - but with the knowledge that they'll feel lighter than usual?

So you're wondering how the heavy dumbbell clean and press is one of those true "whole body workouts." To begin with, it's not simply a Crossfit WOD (workout of the day). Second, this isn't some nefarious method in which individuals may go as fast as they need to in order to get more reps done per session—though who doesn't enjoy doing things quickly? Third, and most significantly for our purposes here today, the high rep nature mixed with heavy weights will help us to get all sorts of benefits such as stronger shoulders or even bigger arms than we would have naturally obtained from plain old pumping iron at your local gym!

OMGWTF, the DB C and P

The two-dumbbell clean and press is more than just a barbell clean with a pair of weights. It's about as comparable to this technique as a dumbbell squat is to a barbell squat - both work to propel yourself from the ground up into a standing posture while working different muscle groups throughout your body! Other than what we use them for, there may not be many differences: some individuals like practising callisthenics at home vs working out outside or having greater room in their facility; whatever you select it, make sure your workout doesn't get old by integrating new exercises every week.

The barbell/dumbbell clean and press follows a similar movement pattern in that both workouts start with a weight on the floor and then ascend to shoulder height before pushing above. However, there are several significant distinctions between them: While one begins with their arms at arm's length away from their body (the prone position), another requires direct arm extensions towards either the far side or the centre; this forces athletes into different postures depending on which variation they choose for training purposes such as strength vs power development!

Even if an athlete favours one exercise over the other, the two forms may be done simultaneously because they engage basically equivalent muscle regions via similar unilateral lifts.

So you want to be a powerlifter, right? You should begin with the fundamentals. "If all you did was clean and press (or jerk), maybe try cleans or presses next," Dan John famously wrote. While he is originally speaking about the more common barbell movement of lifting weights overhead in one motion from the floor to a standing position, taking breaths between reps, his words still ring true for anyone looking to tackle any variation on dumbbells such as kettle bells, which can also help provide stability while maintaining balance when performing single arm movements like rows instead of just doing them together using both arms.

You know how you can get a solid exercise done while you're on the go? This is my training "one-stop shop." Heavy dumbbell cleans and presses may help with almost any goal: explosive strength, fat reduction (just crank up the repetitions), upper body size/weighted chest exercises that match cardio bunny sessions - anything your heart wants!

You can't have it all. While the lower body is important in this move, I wouldn't anticipate huge increases from simply performing "the" clean and press with dumbbells - at least not at first! However, because they start on the floor (a deficit position), your reps will be considerably deeper than if you did them overhead or even adjacent to each other. This indicates that while working out alone without any weight added to the bar/plate(es), an above-parallel squat is better for targeting those glutes/hamstrings than an above-parallel squat would have been under comparable conditions.

Cleaning and Pressing Techniques

As previously stated, the technique for a dumbbell clean is not as straightforward as executing barbell cleans with two sets of weights. First, get into an upright position with your hands touching in front, which makes doing exercises like squats and deadlifts difficult because there is no space between them left over barely any room at all really feeling cramped up if this doesn't sound too familiar try grabbing something different or maybe even picking up objects.

A dumbbell routine is effective for beginners since it involves the least amount of work to get into beginning position. Starting on all fours, position your hands shoulder-distance apart and face each other, keeping an eye on which side has greater weight (e.g., left hand if you're right handed). Keeping both elbows facing towards the floor but not touching will generate "okies," or elbow space—a safety technique that prevents injury when performing curls! Next, bend at 90 degrees and stretch back up until you reach full height before beginning another exercise.

Squat with your feet wider than your shoulders and hold both dumbbells. To begin this beginner's exercise, your arms should simply slide down the outside of your legs while maintaining a flat back! Begin by maintaining all other components in identical locations, like with barbell cleans, when it's critical that no one comes in between their hands or behind them, otherwise they'll wind up throwing things away while attempting not to let go (which makes no sense).

Maintains proper posture throughout, but avoids contracting muscles elsewhere, such as the shoulders.

As the weights get close to your knees, blast up with maximum force while controlling them sufficiently to keep them from looping too far forwards. Maintain a thumbs-up hammer curl orientation when receiving it by catching it slightly dip as they enter into frame in front of shoulders then elbows pulled forwards so you seem like an uncomfortable halfway between Khloe Kardashian's legs after sex foreplay has ended!

If you don't do a lot of leg work during your post-workout meal breaks, you might want to take advantage of this chance for some mild cardio.

Brace your core and glutes as soon as the weight touches the ground before lifting straight up off the ground to ensure that no momentum from the lowering phase carries over to later reps when raising back up in an alternate action between front shoulder ABD-backs. It will feel easier to maintain a neutral hand position rather than externally rotating arms at the top upwards towards the sky palms facing each other because this limits muscular energy expenditure whenever possible by keeping the body under control throughout movements rather than having too much or too little elasticity present.

A neutral overhead press can keep your joints healthy and may even improve your pressing strength. The front delts and triceps are somewhat more stimulated while starting from an appropriate biomechanical posture with elbows brought in rather than out to begin the lift - this might mean the difference for any athlete seeking for that additional edge!

Take a short breath before lowering the weights to your shoulders after both arms are locked out above (either hand orientation is fine). Then lower them as if executing the inverse of a hammer curl by catching it with a knee dip and a flat back. All of this adds up to only one rep for you! How many more repetitions are there on my set?

Sig Klein's Challenge

When it comes to training, the early strongmen and physical culturists had some decent ideas. However, their limited understanding of what they perceived to be talented men led them down some strange avenues in terms of train theory—there are plenty of people today who would consider these "interesting" articles on an old bookcase!

While they were truly strong men, with their own strength feats frequently done in public and thoroughly recorded for the time period, they either misjudged what a typical new student was capable of or scaled it down just a little bit so that novices might have some instruction.

In Sandow's System of Physical Training, in a section about which weights to use for daily exercise and training with heavy resistance on lifts like the deadlift or overhead press while using lighter dumbbell exercises where you bend at elbows instead of knees when doing curls-like movements with barbells - Eugen wrote about how women should be lifting between 2-3 pounds each (or 5% of their bodyweight), whereas males his age could handle up to 3 times more per leg as they grew older. He went on to say that adult males required 5+lbs/side if they were working out alone without a spotter!

In "The Autobiography of Mr. World," published in 1892, Pudz's book is chock-full of weightlifting wisdom, but it might be difficult to sift through all of the old school recommendations. The first chapter may have led you to believe that Puzo was a Tracy Anderson affiliate—the exercise expert who pushes high standards and "Light Weights Build Long Muscles."

Sig Klein (a Physical Culture student and vaudeville performer) was writing a recurring piece in Strength & Health magazine on how amazing dumbbell cleans are for entire body development in the 1930s. He loved this exercise so strongly that he questioned most men in America could accomplish 12 repetitions with a pair of 75-pound weights. Granted, it's difficult to believe now that we have behemoths like Pudzianowski and Dorian Yates on our hands, but back then, people didn't realise what they were missing out on!

Klein is a lightweight with an emaciated frame who is extraordinarily powerful. In fact, he is regarded as one of the most strong guys in history, capable of squatting 300 pounds ten times and pressing 220 pounds once! Today, you can find him in his gym as often as 45 pound plates because people want to achieve 15-inch arms like those seen on old-school bodybuilders who were shredded from years of lifting large amounts of weight with little food intake regulation practises.

Klein, on the other hand, isn't simply another lifter looking into this new unattainable target; it was only after decades of learning what works best for growing muscle fibres by employing basic barbell training methods that lead up to the 75x12 clean & jerk.

The Path to the 75s

We'll alternate between two full-body workouts for three times per week to get you closer to your goals. The primary lift will be the first exercise in each session and will always emphasise strength, while conditioning training will be addressed at some point throughout this three-day cycle.

The first workout takes you closer to lifting two 75-pound dumbbells overhead, while the second gets you to complete all 12 repetitions.

Exercise No. 1

You know how your heart starts beating when you approach a big exam or job interview? This is due to the fact that exercise causes our bodies to generate endorphins, which give us the infamous "runner's high." It also decreases stress by releasing dopamine and serotonin in the brain. The more we practise it, not only will those sentiments fade away, but additional benefits such as improved focus levels may follow!

The dumbbell clean and press is an excellent method to begin your exercise with increased arm power. It will help you retain your balance, coordination, and core stability while also strengthening that muscle area!

The dumbbell clean and press is an excellent method to begin your exercise with increased arm power. It will help you retain your balance, coordination, and core stability while also strengthening that muscle area! The motion can also be performed with barbells or with the athlete's own bodyweight if desired; nevertheless, regardless of how it is performed, the athlete should always maintain an emphasis on technique when doing these actions.

4 reps of standing dumbbell military press, 2-4 inches apart (or as far away from you can hold but keep your palm facing upwards). This will be a single set. Pull-ups are next, in which they hold the bar and just move it near enough so that their chin clears it before gently lowering themselves down till FULL ROM LAYUP! If feasible, do three sets of this per day.

C2: 4 sets of 1x AMRAP Pushout Deadlift. Face Pull + Rope Prep 8-10 reps

After reaching full extension on the last jerk rep, drop slightly and press back up to lockout. After just a few reps, you'll feel your tris begging for mercy with each contraction, as well as your shoulder stabilisers or abs/obliques serratus, in an attempt not to let weight bearing down any further than what they can handle already, because after all of this work, everything — especially those lagging parts — deserve some rest!

Exercise No. 2

Exercise is the greatest method to be in shape, but it's not always simple. There are so many workouts with varying sets and repetitions that it might be challenging for someone who lacks time or patience!
You could want something quick-fixing, such as at-home ab workouts with weights attached by ropes known as "Ab Ripper" (affiliate link). These function by tugging on them while performing crunch motions, which efficiently target stomach muscles without needing much movement from other parts of your body; this means no impact has yet been made, providing these sorts of routines the capacity to keep us safe post-workout.


The most crucial activity in a workout is always the first one. It's also a fantastic opportunity to prime your muscles with some heavy lifting before going any farther and gaining momentum as you move through each subsequent set, but proceed cautiously if your arm is fatigued from all of this hard work!
The Dumbbell Clean & Press not only strengthens our core fibers—especially our abs—but they're also great exercises depending on how far along someone is in their training; beginners can benefit from lighter weights, while more experienced lifters should use heavier ones because load increases will eventually become insufficient, so keeping steady climbing degrees makes sense.


The first exercise in a workout is often the most essential, and it's a great opportunity to warm up your muscles with some hard lifting before moving on. It's also important for those who may grow exhausted from all of this hard effort as we move through each subsequent set, but proceed gently if it becomes too difficult!
The Dumbbell Clean & Press not only strengthens our core fibres - specifically our abs - but they're also great exercises depending on how far along someone is in their training at their own physical level; beginners can benefit from lighter weights, while more experienced lifters should use heavier ones.


The military press is an excellent shoulder workout. It's also known as a dumbbell overhead raise, and it's performed with two hands on either side of your body carrying weights approximately breast-level apart. The action begins by raising one arm to full extension at shoulder height before lowering back down to begin again for a total of 12 repetitions each set (or 2 sets). This focuses on improving strength in pressing exercises where muscles work against an immovable weight, such as those seen during bar or truck lifts; they're wonderful since you can do them anywhere!

This post includes information from Drs. Andrew Butler and Olgun Ulucan that explains more about how to do this simple yet powerful piece. Workout Design Suggestion


A military press is one of the greatest shoulder workouts. It's also known as a "dumbbell overhead lift," and it's performed with two hands carrying weights around breast-level apart and at arm's length on each side of your body (think: shoulder width). The motion begins by raising one arm to full extension at shoulder height before lowering back down to begin again 12 repetitions per set or 2 sets; this focuses specifically on increasing strength through pressing movements where muscles work against an immovable weight such as those seen during lifts using bars/trucks great because they can be done anywhere!

The barbell row is an excellent back exercise. It's one of those workouts that you can practise at home and get the same effects as if you did it in person with someone instructing you how to do it (and it also helps take some stress off). Begin by resting on a flat bench and preparing for this movement: Hands behind head or firmly against wall; arms extended fully straight out from sides so they're parallel but not quite touching each other either side about 3 inches away from chest height depending on which version will be used next; pull arms upwards towards rib cage drawing biceps tight using both muscles raising upper body weight at the same time until the elbows bend slightly

Waves are designed to keep your training exciting and diverse. It's essentially a specific method of advancing weights from set to set dependent on your performance in prior sets. However, for this specific programme, there are two or three "waves" per session, which means that each wave will have its own progression pattern with increasing difficulty levels followed by resting periods in between; our example here has three easy, two slightly harder, and so on, so simply follow these guidelines for best results! You may even go back to where we thought an easyish 45kg would be before beginning with 50lbs instead if necessary -

Do you have a moment? It'll come in handy for this. There are nine sets in total (three each wave), and each set consists of seven distinct exercises performed in succession with no break in between! The purpose here is not only weight lifting but also conditioning, thus they should be challenging but not too heavy or taxing on your joints. Use smaller weights at first if necessary until they feel comfortable enough while still getting the job done correctly every time-I recommend performing two waves when starting out until around four weeks* In terms of set numbers 7 and 8, repeat the final sentence from the first set.

Cut 5-10 seconds off the last rest time after each session until you reach 60 seconds. Increase your weight and repeat the exercise! Using a rope handle with a "overhead" grip will assist maintain consistent tension, so don't release go as soon as those hands start trembling or feeling exhausted from all that effort—hold each exercise for five counts of 1,000 repetitions if required before lowering back down.

Alternate which hand performs what while assessing how far into throws their hips can safely travel during various manoeuvres.


Completing Klein's challenge does not necessarily imply that you are the strongest buck in town, but it does demonstrate that you are ready to put up with a little discomfort in exchange for a lot of pleasure. If this seems like something you'd be interested in, try signing up for one of the forthcoming triathlons or training with some world-renowned professionals like Jim Wendler and Martin Rooney, who both have excellent programmes where they coach individuals just like me!

The Sig Klein Challenge is more than a physical test. The Texas native will not shoot you in the face, but it will be challenging and allow someone to create their own personal benchmark to prove how strong they are by completing this day-long activity with enough courage, strength, or conditioning for everything else life throws at you!

In the worst-case scenario, you'll learn a new full-body lift (with an emphasis on the upper body) and improve your strength and cardio.