15 Mean Hamstring Exercises

The hamstrings are a trio of muscles found on the rear of the femur. In strength training, they comprise two key roles: knee flexion (think leg curl) and hip extension (think deadlift). Do you understand? Good!

Are You Training Them Correctly?

Powerlifters and bodybuilders have extremely distinct hamstring routines. Good mornings are a beloved hammy workout among powerlifters, but it's a leg curl that gets hammered hard in most squats: slide board leg curls or SHELCs (Supine Hip-Extension Leg Curl).

Bodybuilders may only do 3 different types of curls.

So, who is correct?

Despite my fondness for generating a commotion, I just cannot put everyone against each other here. They're all correct; the hamstrings are a "fast-twitch" muscle group that responds well to heavy action, making them ideal candidates for Olympic lifts like Deadlifts or Snatches!

However, many bodybuilders have achieved impressive hamstring development through isolation exercises such as High Rep Hip Thrusts because these lighter compound movements target specific parts of your anatomy better than others while still allowing you to build up both larger groups at the same time (your glutes/lower back will benefit as well). In summary, if weightlifting isn't giving us the results we want, we should consider including some high-rep activity into our routine.

This is the point at which everything comes together. Choose a movement (usually hip extension) and go heavy for low reps, then choose another exercise with lighter weight that is still challenging but allows more breathing room in between sets so you can do more total reps without sacrificing intensity or breaking down before your workout ends - this will maximise sarcomeric hypertrophy while also getting high-threshold motor unit stimulation from the previous workout!

But which workouts should I do?

Some hamstring workouts are more difficult to perform while the hamstrings are stretched, while others must be performed when they are constricted. Full range of motion and activation with particular exercises are vital since they optimise muscular development potentials while also creating that "pump" that you want after each workout or weightlifting session (if your goal).

Choosing between two alternatives might be difficult at times - do I go heavy this week? Or maybe I'll skip a few days so my body can heal from the larger weights I utilised from Monday to Friday.

Some stretches are more effective than others in terms of maximising muscle tension while being stretched to the limit. Hamstring motions are an example of this sort of workout, and they may be classified as follows:

  1. Slight contraction at the start of the stretch, followed by relaxation - This is ideal because you want to focus on contracting right before disconnecting from it rather than just relaxing into an extended position with little effort put forth in most other aspects such as force production or microtrauma-inducing capabilities due to its slow tempo;
  2. After the tensor fascia latae muscle has been passively extended during bridges, a very rapid explosive phase is performed.

Hip extension in a stretched posture

A straight-leg deadlift differs from a typical deadlift in that you must keep your back straight while bending at the knees. This allows you to target more muscle areas with each repetition, which means you'll spend less time practising exercises that just target larger muscles like your arms or legs!

Good mornings

A straight-leg deadlift is a one-of-a-kind exercise that targets the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. The trick to this technique is to keep your spine straight while bending at both knees, since this stimulates more muscle groups with each repetition, resulting in less time spent on exercises that target larger muscles such as the arms or legs!

Hip hyperextension in the contracted posture

Back extensions are an excellent technique to tone your upper back. This is because most people don't do them frequently enough and end up missing out on more than they can handle when it comes to heavy squatting or deadlifting motions, not just everyday office tasks where we occasionally curl into our desk at some point during the day with sore shoulders from simply sitting too long without doing any meaningful work first! You'll also notice the following advantages: improved posture as a result of increased balancing abilities; decreased headaches as a result of shifting those heavy phone books beneath desks instead

Knee flexion in the contracted position

Lying leg curls are an excellent workout for strengthening your quads and hamstrings. These exercises, whether seated or standing, can build muscular strength in both legs! According to my research, contracted-position hip hyperextension movements have the highest mean activation level while lying down with ankles crossed over each other at 90 degrees (i.e., when performing seated) versus 60 degrees more dorsiflexed knee angle; however, it has a higher peak magnitude during extension/knee flexion phases rather than extensions alone due to heavier weight used.

Stretched-position hip extension exercises cause the most discomfort because of increased DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), which is compensated for by a strong stretch in your muscles. Even when done with considerable weight, such as bodybuilding squats, contracted knee flexion action might be perceived as "cramping," but not so much EMG activity!

There is a lot of hamstring activation when the glutes and hamstrings have to work together. This is evident in categories 1-3, which all exhibit more EMG activity than category 4; the only one that separates solely those muscle fibres for our lower buttocks (the group we usually want toned). My favourite hamstring workouts are as follows:
1)Dead Bug on Bench with Bar Variation — laying facedown on an elevated surface while holding onto each end to make a "X" with your body. If possible, keep both arms stretched out to the sides or straight up overhead.

Back Extension using Dumbbells

Weighted back extensions are a good hamstring exercise. Since of the lever arm, it's more difficult than other workouts because you have to employ your lower body muscles in order for them to operate properly and efficiently throughout the movement—and release at precisely the right moments so they don't overdo it! You may also achieve this by holding on to something solid or leaning against a wall if required.

At the apex of this exercise, squeeze your glutes and ascend into hip hyperextension. If you can't gain enough strength from simply heavy dumbbells, mix them with band resistance for an ultra-effective variant! 2) Single Leg Prisoner Back Extension with Bodyweight
Place your hands behind your head in a "prisoner" position to expand the lever arm; proceed as indicated (except do it one leg at a time).

Straight-Leg Deadlift with a Barbell

Bodybuilders love the barbell straight-leg deadlift because it allows them to use high weights while maintaining tension in the stretch position. However, perfect technique on this exercise is debatable, with some claiming that rounding your low back causes damage in many lifters—so preserve an arch throughout!

The idea is to acquire a deep hamstring stretch and then reverse movement when flexibility 'runs out.' It is critical that you clench your glutes during lockout, push through your heels, and maintain your chest up while sitting back with your knees slightly bent."

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells

The single-leg RDL is an excellent approach to improve core stability and strength. It's termed "single" because it only employs one leg at a time, making it safer than typical DROP SETS or LEG SWINGS, which use both legs simultaneously (the thing about doing these exercises with two legs though: when we do them onstable surfaces like ground level floors in yoga studios they can get pretty tough). Initially, I would recommend performing the exercise by holding onto an object for balance if necessary OR bracing yourself in some way so that no matter which direction motion occurs during execution, there will still be some sort of grip leverage advantage allowing maximum control over each subsequent rep.

The Hamstring Curl may not feel particularly spectacular the first time you do it. However, with little time and as your stability improves, these exercises become simpler to work with due to their larger range of motion for greater strength increases!

The Barbell Good Morning

The barbell good morning is a traditional powerlifting exercise, particularly for those aiming to bulk up their spinal erectors. The hip-hinge action, unlike many other movements, allows you to take advantage of heavy weight and maximal muscle tension in the stretch position by hingeing at your hips rather than your knees. You'll also want to use appropriate technique for this one because it might be tough otherwise!

Single Leg Hanging Bridge

The single leg hanging bridge is a wonderful hamstring stretch and a perfect alternative to reverse hypers or back extensions. Hold onto anything substantial, such as barbells in racks, for stability's sake; set one heel on top of each bench next to them (make sure there are no dangerous objects nearby). Sink deep as you raise your hips to the sky, stretching your straight legs to their maximum position! This strategy will provide us with a greater range of motion, making it far more effective than performing simply select aspects of these exercises independently.

Dumbbell Glute-Ham Raise

The glute-ham raise is a wonderful technique to ensure that your hamstring workouts are as effective as possible. Because knees can sink down during this movement, it makes performance easier for some people while making it harder for others depending on how well trained their body parts are in comparison to other muscles involved or if they have any injuries history that could affect range of motion at all since there is no space available between joints where gaps occur when performing physical activities like running up stairs quickly enough without breaking stride due to either excessive force be it physical or mental.

The glutes and hamstrings are important in the deadlift. It is critical that you keep your lower back flat on the floor while completing this exercise, as well as that all other joints/muscle groups involved stay stable during movement execution (ease of use). Because we now have additional alternatives such as employing resistance bands for added assistance while performing so many reps, the settings on an adjustable equipment may be altered to make moving greater weights easier or more difficult.

Sliding Leg Curl with a Band

The sliding leg curl is a difficult exercise that most men have to learn the hard way. A sliding board is ideal, but all you actually need for this one are some slipper surfaces, such as hardwood or tiled floors. Place a little towel on the ground near where you'll be lying down, with your heels wide apart so they don't overlap any other objects around (elevate if needed). Then, with appropriate effort, push up off of them while putting your feet closer to your buttocks; once you've acquired proper technique, load up by placing weights in your lap first, then adding ankle bands!

Gliding Leg Curl on One Leg

The gliding leg curl allows you to fully feel the "squeeze." Hold a racked barbell with both hands and feet approximately three or four inches apart to do this exercise. To achieve the optimum results, position your body at an angle such that your hips are higher than your knees; then stretch them upwards while simultaneously curving forwards by bending elbows towards each other until they connect behind your back - all while maintaining tension in your upper arms! When you've mastered the two-legged form, try the one-legged version—insanely it's effective!!

Reverse Pendulum Hyper

The reverse hyper is an important aspect of any powerlifter's training and may be employed in a variety of sports. The hamstring muscle is responsible for hip flexion, thus you need powerful ones! That's why we recommend using our Reverse Hyper to help your hamstrings develop stronger at stretching your legs upward while keeping good form (don't decline or round). Place them inside each strap, feet on bar; step up onto table by gripping handles overhead towards midsection - stand upright but don't lean forwards too much off bench seat - then extend legs straight down away from torso without letting anything but gravity to work against you.

You find yourself on your hands and knees. Your partner clutches one arm while putting their other hand high up into whichever body area they're concentrating on for isolation—this might be anything from an Adductor muscle to a toe or shoulder blade! This exercise will train both concentrically (to build strength) and eccentrically - that is, it will involve moving away from what is strong about our muscles and instead focusing more heavily through heavier resistance like weightlifting but also including moves where no force is generated by gravity at all, such as jumping stairs without using momentum, and so on.

The concept behind this movement is that it will not rely just on solo workouts.

Hip Extension Kneeling

This action is surprisingly effective and appears to be a botched glute-ham raise. Allow someone to support your feet or place their heels beneath something substantial (like a barbell inside of rack). Make sure you have a mat beneath you to protect your knees as well! Lean slightly forwards, then bend at both hip joints by pushing through foot/knee lift up towards ceiling while keeping back straight, so it feels similar but not exactly the same as our previous range of motion workouts where we would simply stand tall with arms extended forwards before lowering them downward again starting slowly until accelerating speed was reached using only one arm.

45-Degree Hyperband

This classic motion is a hybrid of an ab crunch and a glute ham Developer Kit. Grab your favourite band, wrap it around your neck, and get ready for some major hammy burn!

The Correct Method of Programming

The greatest technique to strengthen your hamstrings is to do straight leg exercises as well as stretches that flex the knee. For a total-body workout, alternate between RDL stretches like deadlifts or good mornings and contracted position movements like back extensions, reverse hypers (or HSPUs), hip extension/knee flexion routines like glute-hamsales, and sliding leg curls.


To accomplish them properly, focus not only on the type of movement that happens at each joint during execution, but also employ lesser weights until mastered before progressing to bigger ones.

3 sets of 10 lying leg curls

Straight-leg deadlifts are an excellent technique to begin your warm-up and warm up your muscles. It will also educate you how much more difficult standing on one leg for a lengthy amount of time may feel, so this exercise can assist with that as well! To accomplish them properly, focus not only on the type of movement that happens at each joint during execution, but also employ lesser weights until mastered before progressing to bigger ones.


This exercise is great for strengthening your back. By completing three sets of five repetitions, you will raise the levels at which it can contract, resulting in increased muscle mass in that area!

Because of the weight-bearing aspect of this action, it is more effective than others; if discomfort develops after one or two sessions, take a rest until you feel better.

3 × 8 band sliding leg curls

A basic weight-bearing workout that involves raising and lowering is ideal for working your back. By executing three sets of five reps, you will raise the levels at which this region can contract, resulting in greater muscular mass!

As opposed to some other exercises that cause soreness after only one or two sessions because they are not as supportive of our body's injuries such as arthritis or piriformis syndrome (which I have firsthand knowledge of), these movements provide more support because we bear all of the weight while steadily progressing through them without stopping for any reason at all.

Wrap-up on Hamstrings

The opposite sex may not pay as much attention to the hamstrings, but they are an essential muscle group that can assist give your physique a more full and muscular appearance. They also allow for increased strength in other locations, such as the legs or behind; these traits may be handy when it comes time to bulk up around certain strain spots!

Strong hamstrings will not necessarily turn heads with attractive girls, especially if you exercise consistently, because people prefer to see well-toned chests over strong hamstrings.